Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Louisville Fly Over Film Festival - Lunacy Film Camp Kickoff

Hey all! I'm deep in the editing process for some material that I shot and acted in last August, in 2010, but can certainly take a break to share this link!

The material I'm working on will be kicking off the Fly Over Film Festival! We premiere the first day of the festival, June 9th. We are screening with films amongst films such as Another Earth (2011) and The Lie (2011).

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

End of Semester

Hey all!
    So, the semester is coming to a close. Just have to print out my final paper, turn it in, and I'm free! Robert Panico completed his film "Superhuman" written by Maury Shessel recently, which I did cinematography for. It's about a supervillain detainee being asked to turn superhero. Below you will find some stills!

Also coming up this Saturday the 7th, is the screening of The Snow Queen! I'm excited. I'm going to wear a pretty dress.